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Descent of Man In this lecture, beginners can familiarize themselves with basic information and terms used to describe the evolution of humanity beginning with the origin of primates through the comings and goings of Genus Homo.
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November 1996
The African Emergence and Early Asian Dispersals of the Genus Homo Posted: Saturday, November 30, 1996 People have recognized for some time that humankind's origins lay in Africa, when about 2 million years ago the early members of the genus Homo diverged from their more ape-like Australopith ancestors. Until recently, the fossil evidence suggested that hominids did not leave Africa for another million years. In recent excavations of Asia, however, our authors add to a growing cache of fossil evidence that places hominids in Asia about 2 million years ago, 1 million years earlier than previously thought. This new date, argue Larick and Ciochon, changes the circumstances in which the earliest hominids started to migrate to other continents. In their article, they propose a scenario that links the emergence of the new genus with its almost immediate migration. More
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The African Emergence Asian Dispersals Posted: Wednesday, November 20, 1996 People have recognized for some time that humankind's origins lay in Africa, when about 2 million years ago the early members of the genus Homo diverged from their more ape-like Australopith ancestors. Until recently, the fossil evidence suggested that hominids did not leave Africa for another million years. In recent excavations of Asia, however, our authors add to a growing cache of fossil evidence that places hominids in Asia about 2 million years ago, 1 million years earlier than previously thought. This new date, argue Larick and Ciochon, changes the circumstances in which the earliest hominids started to migrate to other continents. In their article, they propose a scenario that links the emergence of the new genus with its almost immediate migration. More
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