- The Origin of Life
- Earth's Earliest Life
- Sex and Nuclei: Eukaryotes
- The Evolution of Animals
- Life in a Changing World
- Extinction
- The Early Vertebrates
- Leaving the Water
- Amphibians and Reptiles
- Reptiles and Thermoregulation
- Triassic Takeover
- Dinosaurs
- Warm-Blooded Dinosaurs?
- The Evolution of Flight
- The Origin of Mammals
- Marine Reptiles
- Why Flowers are Beautiful
- The End of the Dinosaurs
- Cenozoic Mammals
- Geography and Evolution
- Primates
- Evolving Toward Humans
- The Ice Age
- Humans and the Ice Age
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Sex and Nuclei: Eukaryotes
Symbiosis and Endosymbiosis
Eukaryotes in the Fossil Record
The Evolution of Sex
The Classification of Eukaryotes
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