- The Origin of Life
- Earth's Earliest Life
- Sex and Nuclei: Eukaryotes
- The Evolution of Animals
- Life in a Changing World
- Extinction
- The Early Vertebrates
- Leaving the Water
- Amphibians and Reptiles
- Reptiles and Thermoregulation
- Triassic Takeover
- Dinosaurs
- Warm-Blooded Dinosaurs?
- The Evolution of Flight
- The Origin of Mammals
- Marine Reptiles
- Why Flowers are Beautiful
- The End of the Dinosaurs
- Cenozoic Mammals
- Geography and Evolution
- Primates
- Evolving Toward Humans
- The Ice Age
- Humans and the Ice Age
Many outside links! Bookmark homepage.
Leaving the Water
The Origin of Land Plants
The Earliest Land Floras
Comparing Plant and Animal Evolution
The First Land Animals
Rhipidistians (and Other Lobefins)
The First Amphibian
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